I hope you'll be realising that the conventional views of things are wrong on many fronts. This includes economic theory, and actually a lot of science, which fails to take in systemic energy effects, and yet the universe is a system of energy, energy is the currency of nature. The reason for this omssion by conventional economics, it seems to me is commodification of education, which has resulted in everyone being educated in narrow band specialisms, it all makes more profit that way, but it results in all of us becoming more and more like ants, in a swarm of ants, not seeing the systemic results of our individual actions, and this actually reduces the capability of modern humans from being capable of "Leading", which was always a superhuman task by definition, no human was ever really capable of controlling masses of other humans, all the ego could do was project the impression of being capable of leading to others, such that they would be appointed, and as long as they were going along with the thing really in control (The emergent property associated with the collective of us), they seemed to be actually wielding power, but they never were in control. There is good reason humans were advised never to try to be god, I think.
Anyhow all the systemic problems seem to be related to the disconnection between economics and energy. This appears to have been used dishonestly to affect things, by those with an agenda to be enriched by it. The disconnection is abstraction of energy by money.
How this affects game theory, is that the concept of zero sum held, in the economy as it was, because there was more or less a constant quantity of energy product in markets, players competing over it could and should expect losing means scarcification will be experienced by the loser as a result of losing.
Whereas now there is solar energy, which is not being monetised, due to economists not recognising it as valuable commodity in the same was as they recognise product created from extracted energy, because the scarcity of solar energy is unenforcable, it messes up the entire concept of game theory, so they don't include it.
And yet it is valuable product, involving KWhrs which are priced in markets.
Its even more valuable because creation of it involved lowering the planetary temperature rather than raising it. long story, but more buried truth.
Monetising it requires money to be issued for free, unconditionally, which removes the need for all to carry on with the game theory, why would we bother, if we already have the energy we need for life guaranteed?
Anyhow for now the research you've highlighted still applies, because economics has still not accepted the real value of solar, and its true we need a grand controller that might be seen as a centralised, omniscient agent endowed with enourmous computing power calling the shots, to learn that lesson, maybe the solar powered Ai ChatGPT (Free) will do what is needed.
I kind of hope so because it looks like humans never will without it.