I hope you won’t be offended if a similar accusation is put to you yourself.
There is no acceptable “carbon budget”. As long as the energy of our planet is being consumed, the damage continues to accumulate, and we will carry on wiping out other species, and being progressively burned ourselves, on our planet.
The energy of the planet is all energy received by our planet from the sun, which created everything on it, including us, and everything in our heads.
That is the capital of Earth.
As long as we function by trading it between one another, we are feeding from the energy reserves of our planet.
Every financial transaction currently represents that.
All of the many hundreds of thousands of financial transactions per second around the world, right now, in the interests of profit, all of it represents more damage.
Profit can only be made with the capital of Earth, it is not possible with an infinite energy source, which is the sun, the only true source of energy.
The wind, waves, geothermals, rotating inertia of our planet, all of those are included in the capital of Earth, so using them fixes nothing.
There is no such thing as renewable energy, only energy, and it all comes from the sun.
It is the business of profit that needs to be stopped, to stop the consumption of the energy of Earth.
So monetising sunlight, and donating that to all people, so as to end all requirements of profit is the only way out, the only way to stop us being progressively burned on our planet.
Do you deny that?