I hope you can one day get your head around money being actually energy.
Hence why one day soon it will have to be issued in massive quantity for free to all people, to reflect the actual economic product being created from free energy, from the only actual source of energy that can be used to create.
We can't create at all by energy that can only be obtained by "Workers". Hence why work is obsolete, but that doesn't make the people obsolete, it makes the people required, to just put the energy of the sun to use as anything other than the heat it would become if not used.
Just metabolising what we need to metoblise alone does it. Everything we do on top of that is a bonus.
This is how different it will be after solar indexed stimulus behins to be issued, as it has to be.
No more lies of profit, no more planet destroying destruction, no more increase of temperature.
And inequality - gone, the instant the stimulus starts to be issued.
We saw it already during covid when oil prices went negative.
The elites nearly lost control but managed to sweep it under the carpet, enabling the latest wave of destruction needed for them to profit a little more. But for what, so that they have to lose it by succumbing to a burning planet, one way or another.
Its their choice, a choice nature has given graciously given them, their money or their lives.
They are obviously still thinking about it.