I hope we won't lose sight of energy being what has to quantify the value of anything. This is the physical truth we seem to be in danger of losing sight of, because we live in Enshittopia, and we are more busy wasting energy trying to build that up than anything physical, and it's all just lies, bullshit, that pushes up the planetary temperature. This is the point I was trying to make, that we are losing sight of the value of truth, which is also the value of creation vs destruction.
Removing, defusing all the arguments, with physical truth where possible, seems necessary to save a lot of wasted energy, both of thought, and discussion, I think :)
I hope you agree those potatoes are just energy also, and you need energy as money to keep getting enough to eat, about 3kWhrs per day as it turns out, we all do, no choice in that, so we are all energy slaves... :)