I hope it turns out not to be true that you might have cancer, your thoughts and writing in Medium are valuable, even if our views are not the same, we need to converge on truth by discussion I guess :)
Here is something for you to think about:
Its lab proven that temperature / entropy is related to creation and destruction by 0.69 x Boltsman's constant in degrees C or K per bit. The temperature goes down by at least that amount when we create a bit of informaiton, and it goes up by at least that amount when we destroy a bit of information.
Truth is information, lies are destruction of information.
This is physical proof that the universe knows when we are lying.
Look at the base energy lie of profit, which physically removes the energy from Earth, and throws it to heat.
Did anyone tell you this before, that profit comprises energy which is taken from the planet, and that this is accompanied proportionaly by far more energy thrown to heat, and that this adds up to the temperature rise observed, since there can be no greenhouse gas effect in an adiabatic atmosphere?
Probably not, hence why its an energy lie, and look, it invalidates every agreement ever made between humans for profit, because neither party was made aware of the lie, all contracts for profit are technically legally void.
Is that information ever publicised? No, so its a lie.
The untold part of every sales pitch is a lie.
Politically correct speaking is just more sales pitch, required for each of us to keep open the possibility of profiting from our fellow humans, in order thatt we can carry on meeting at least the minimum energy requirement we each need to metabolise, to stay alive. We have to say to them that our working with them, for them, or them with us, or for us, will be genuinely good for both parties, and the planet, with a smile, and all that is lies, because it never was good for the planet, the planet has to replace the energy stolen, from one party to the other, therefore the temperature has to go up, every time its done.
On metabolism, our metabolistic energy requirement per human is about 150J per second, for us to function to our full capacity. This information is very difficult to determine exactly because it varies for all humans, and none of us knows in advance what work will be demanded of us in whatever crises arise, its the result of a very complex study carried out.
I could go on here, but I think I said enough to give you a view of just the tip of the iceberg of lies, that make up the imaginary world we live in. Nearly everything we ever knew, was just lies.
Admitting this, being honest about it, is something I would say is surely needed, to even begin to be qualifed to try to predict the actual future.
Does Nate ever talk about this?