I honey-mooned in Egiypt, nearly thirty years ago, already a senior Engineer in my thirties working on space related programs with thousands of other Engineers. I had a reasonable feel for our technological capabilities, and hope I still do.
What I saw in the pyramids was absolutely not made by humans, in my opinion. We can maybe show various feats of working on stone, like drilling and cutting, and moving wer eall possible, in carefully set up laboratory tests, even using the soft metal of copper, but to put it all together to make not just one pyramid, but many, in the timescalse they were apparently built in, would not be possible by humans, in my opinion. There are more seemingly impossible challenges than we can shake a stick at. If copper was used to cut, for example, the effect on the blade pulled back and forth in tension across the stone would have been to rapidly wear the copper down. The copper would wear much faster than the stone. To cut one face on a stone the size we see on the pyramids would have taken many months, if not even years, and an awful lot of copper. There are 2.3 million stones in the Great pyramid alone, the smallest of which weighs more than a ton, and every one of them had to be cut on all faces.
On drilling, the depth of the hole is critical to the material needed. The strenth of copper to resist twisting woulld not enable a hole of more than a few feet maybe to be drilled, and even then it would probably have had to have been in the form of a seemless tube. If they had the technology to make tubres of copper, they would have quickly cottoned onto using it also for plumbing, like we do, and we would find evidence of copper plumbing all over egypt. But we don't see that, as far as I am aware. Getting inside the great pyramid is via a diagonally sloping perfectly rectangular passage, more or less perpendicular to one face on the outsde of the pyramid. It goes many tens of metres into the heart of the pyramid, cut through many blocks of stone, seemingly after they were stacked,
I can't see how that was even remotely possible by a copper saw blade held in tension. The largest of the stones we see in and around the pyramids, we still don't have a crane big enough to lift, out of all the cranes we use for shipbuiling and everythig else we've done, that is incredible to think by itself.
My family has history of seeing UFOs. (My grandparents), they witnessed them in 1938 with many others, and this inspired my Grandad (And me) to become lifelong science fiction fans, so it is not difficult for me to accept there were and probably still are civilisations much greater than ours.
After all, what exactaly are we calling civilisation, now with a third world war, probably nuclear, pending, after the most damaging century to humanity and the environment ever, due to what amounts to nothing more than our inability to understand how energy really works?
I am more inclined to believe something like Graham Hancock's version of things is about right.
Also, it all makes a weird kind of sense, in terms of energy, we can actually work out in theory how Earth itself could be made a dark wandering planet, like Nibiru, and others now even observed. How does a planet break out of orbit naturally? It doesn't, it seems to me, it requires a lot of work by the inhabitants, who might have been put there to do in the first place. They would be inclined to employ slavery, and their skin would be more sensitive to sunlight than other, older natives, who had been on Earth a lot longer.
The newer arrivals would have been genetically programmed to conduct their affaris in a way that automatically erases all memory of our inhumanity, in order that we, white folks, complete the task in hand, delivering our planet to join those others.
Yep, call me crazy. But logically, it all makes perfect sense to me.
I can't explain us white folks' apparent resistance to the idea of limitless free energy and free money, that we see at work in all things living from sunlight, any other way.