Frederick Bott
3 min readApr 16, 2024


I have to admit I didn't get through all of this article. I only read enough to see you didn't address the main concern that I think most people probably have, that science, during covid, went from something implicitly trusted, to being implicitly untrusted, because it became obviously for profit.
What started out as a virtuous endeavour to end the run of covid ended up becoming instead an effort to maximise profit, by not ending covid, rather it became just to manage covid.
The quest for elimination of the virus moved from a cure, to management of symptoms, which didn't prevent it propagating, in fact if anything it acted to assist propagation by suppressing symptoms in carriers so no one could see that they were carrying.
It got all the more complicated when it became a kind of political shame to dare to be in vaccinated.
I was all for a vaccine when covid first appeared, I even wrote about in Medium, saying we needed a vaccine.
But it was with horror I saw it going from non profit to profit driven effort, from that point on I personally didn't feel it could be trusted so I abstained from having it.
I am still unvaxed but regularly tested, I've had symptoms but never tested positive, even when my vaxed (Unnecessarily, she is till only twenty years old now), daughter was living with me and she was testing positive.
What we see in science, and what makes is have to question all reference materials on all things, is what part profit had to play in all the historical research infomation.
I am saying this as someone with academic research history myself, after many years also In industrial research, there are formal methods of stakeholder analysis I use to analyse things like this, and would strongly recommend mainstream science has to start using those to analyse its own motivations, and how that might have affected research outcomes.
Basically profit driven science has a huge conflict of interest.
My own recent research has been on the global energy problem which is a headfuck of profit driven misinformation, including on the subject of hydrogen, and including in academic research reference texts on hydrogen.
Almost all research done on it in history is biased against it ever being used as an alternative to fossil fuels because all of the research was done by fossil fuel corporate funding.
It has three times the energy density of fossil fuels per kg mass, and nobody seems to have ever carried out the research to establish room temperature state change curves, to explain why exactly hydrogen can't be compressed to room temperature contained liquid.
All we read is that it can't be done, but nowhere can find why.
This just one example of research skewed / misdirected by profit, one I've come across, but there must be many.
How many corporates will invest in a cure or fix for any problem, if the problem can instead be perpetuated and managed fir profit?
And look, profit in the end is a dishonest energy lie, stealing the energy from the planet, disguised by another profit driven lie, the business of CO2 management, a lie because the atmosphere is adiabatic, there can be no blanket effect, the temperatures measured are actually a direct indication of damage done, increase of entropy, ratcheted up by every Joule of energy in every transaction for profit.
This is how wrong academia can be, unfortunately.
To me it looks like there is a very strong tendency for everyone working in the for profit system to virtue signal, covering up the tracks of the harmful system of profit, we all work for it as agents, covering its tracks of wrongdoing, because basically at the root of it all is a dishonest energy lie.
With the best of heart, we can't hope to be aware of it without auditing the energy flows behind it all.
BTW Notice a few "auto-corrections" done on my spelling of what I've written above, trying to skew what I've written but I think you get the gist of it, written on Android phone, with negative powered for profit algos literally unable to make sense of what I've been saying, because anything not for profit makes no sense to them, so they try to change it.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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