I have a lot of respect for inventors, was one myself at one time, I have historical energy patents. But folk seem to not understand we already have the required technology, all we need to do is incentivise using it, by solar indexed stimulus, and it will start an explosion of creative activity. I mean technically creative, as in reducing entropy (Temperature).
An off-the-shelf 2.4kW electrolyser produces around a kg of hydrogen every 24hrs. A large house or a few smaller houses with an extra complement of solar panels devoted to powering the electrolyser would give them the highger storage capacity needed for secondary / seasonal backup, in addition to the usual 24hr Lithium battery backup, but over time would generate excess, more than the installation needs for backup, so available for sale, adding to permanent unconditional solar indexed stimulus available to all.
Every kg created is 39kWhrs removed from the energy of the sun which heats the thermal mass of the planet, regardless of efficiency.
In a single year, one electrolyser like this will remove 14.2MWhrs of heating energy from the sun.
If a billion are used, that becomes 14.2 billion MWhrs of heat energy removed from being applied to the thermal mass of the planet, every year.
This is how to reverse what was done by burning oil and fossil fuels, literally replace the energy store with one we created ourselves.
Greenhouse gases are a distraction, this is what the temperature is really linked to.
Again there will still be more than enough to keep all aerospace airborne.
Can you see any other way to do that?