I hate to be the one to break it to you but water vapour isn't really a greenhouse gas.
The reason is down to the thermodynamics of water vapour.
Irradiating it under the constant pressure of gravity, causes it to expand, which in turn thermodynamically cools the gas, eventually to the dewpoint and beyond (It turns to rain, or even snow)
This is how the Earth works to stay cool, enough for us to live on, rather than any kind of heating mechanism, it is also how refrigerators work, converting radiated heat energy to a negative change in temperature.
In fact this natural refrigeration cycle is something to be celebrated, Earth is a very lucky planet to have it, and we would be in very big trouble if we ever managed to break it.
We can't have too much of it.
Pretty much all steam engines including modern steam turbines, like those used to convert nuclear power to electricity, generate massive volumes of water vapour, which we have never considered a problem, because we understand how this fits with nature, it has never been considered as something bad.
In truth, the amount we can generate is only a tiny fraction of the water vapour existing naturally in the natural evaporation cycle of all water on Earth.
So hydrogen, that is the greenn variant generated solely from solar power, really is a silver bullet in the climate problem, it is key to us finally working in harmony with nature.
The reason this might not be good news for investors (such as yourself?), is that truly switching to solar power, the actual power source of all of nature, as we now have to, to survive as a species, comes with the removal of all value in capital, as surely as the natural evaporation cycle of water.
In other words, all ability to generate money from wielding capital will be removed. Like the water cycle, we can't gat around that, its the way energy works. Capital is just stored energy, like water is just stored water vapour, the better it circulates, the better for all of life.