I hate to be the one dropping a hand grenade into all of this.
All of the discussions occurring seem to be missing a very crucial point - solar energy use, and everything created by it, adds economic product to what has always been considered as a constant amount of capital.
When we were only slightly solar powered, it didn't make much difference, but now we are between 20 and 30 percent solar powered, it is starting to make a difference.
It is manifesting as inflation, because issue of money is heavily trailing creation of product.
Some will argue this is not how things work, less money in circulation should always push up the value of money, so they say.
But that no longer applies, since the money is not monetising actual product.
The actual product is donated, the sun never asks for anything in return.
So it can only be monetised by money given for nothing asked in return.
That is gonna be a tough pill for capitalists to swallow, because what it means is the end of technical capitalism, and the beginning of something new - energyism.
To understand why this is, we have to look at the very nature of a for-profit transaction, and work out exactly what it does, in terms of physical energy. I can tell you this has not been done, neither by academics, nor industrialists, because such a study would never be funded.
But any of us can do it now in a few minutes with ChatGPT.
What it tells us is that every supply chain for profit relies fundamantally on there being availabe at the input, energy which comes from scarce sources, that is extracted, ie requiring work to be done to extract it, even nuclear requires work to split the atom.
So every supply chain for profit depends fundamentally on energy extracted from Earth. What each chain does, in terms of energy, is funnel energy upwards to whoever is at the top of the chain in terms of capital (Energy already possessed). This is regardless of whatever commodity or services are being supplied. The party running the business always profits, in terms of energy.
From solar there is no such thing as work needing to be done per Joule received.
After the installation is created, the Joules flood in for free, as long as the installation lasts.
Now consider that hydrogen, for example, can be created from those Joules.
Hydrogen functionally replaces fossil fuels with none of the pollution. In addition it does many more things, like filtrates and circulates water, and even creates food (See "Solein"). With it, any facility can be backed up without batteries, dumping hydrogen stored into a tank, using this to maintain power 24/7, no need for batteries, even a household community. This technology is mature, all components are widely used and available by suppliers like Alibaba.
The rate hydrogen can be generated is very rapid (Hours, minutes, seconds per kg), compared with the time taken to create oil (Millions of years)
So in terms of energy consumed, hydrogen wins by a very large margin.
Despite this, it is worth at least as much per KWhr of energy hydrogen, as we are happy to pay per KWhr of fossil fuels, more in fact, because we know it is clean, and the energy used to produce it actually subtracted from the temperature of Earth, rather than adding to it.
So it is really valuable, saleable already in markets.
Look how fast those stocks build up, and nothing was taken from Earth to create it, all of it is additional to the economic capital of Earth.
So of course it will devalue all fossil fuels, sooner or later, to zero.
Revenue from selling excess hydrogen, deliberately generated by any domestic or community solar installation, by deliberately oversizing their facility, can easily be had, enabling them to funnel some of that revenue back into the installation, to maintain and even scale it up, forever, the installation has no limit of time, if panels that fail are replaced one by one as they fail, like the leaves on a tree.
Even if they simply give this excess hydrogen away, it still does the same KWhrs of work in a vehicle that might be delivering things as part of a logistics chain, saving them from spending money on fuel, but we still have to consider that as economic capital, money should be issued on it, but is not.
None of that product being created is monetised.
So whilst the solar product ramps up, inevitably, "Stealing" more and more market share of energy from utilities energy companies, money is increasingly coming to represent - nothing.
This is the real, physical reason for inflation.
It won't stop spiralling out of control until the appropriate stimulus needed to reflect the actual value of the solar product being created, is issued.
This explains why the dollar went up during covid stimulus, not down.
Notice also that was the first time we saw oil, or actually any previously valuable commodity, going negative priced.
Notice also this was when we saw some planetary recovery that scientists previously claimed was irreversible, like fish stocks and coral, the both showed a brief spike of recovery.
The dollar is going down now because the stimulus stopped.
I think this pretty much shakes up all considerations.
The best thing that can be done for any country needing help, is to supply them with the funds needed to go 100% solar hydrogen.
But first we need to do it for ourselves.
After this is done, the energy to be monetised from solar will be truly huge, there will be plenty money to throw at any country needing help.
Nobody can make the extremely negative claim "There is not enough money", ever again.
It just isn't true any longer.
They can try and ignore it, fiddle with interest rates, create taxes, carbon mitigation industries, none of it will change the inflation from continuing to spiral out of control, this is physical now, out of the domain of economists, it is now in the domain of Engineers.
Here is some proof with numbers: