I hate to be bursting bubbles, but, does it occur that this, like all other "Renewables" except solar, is actually just another source of finite energy on Earth, which can and will be exhausted with catastrophic effects, if used at scale?
We, our species, humanity, are like a baby, detached from umbilical and nipple, seeking more nipples to feed from, whilst our mother is dying, her reserves exhausted, when we should be learning to Eat the relatively unlimited food of our environment, which is being handed to us on a plate, even grabbing some for our dying mother.
The fixation with things to invest in, itself is a trait which comes from our diet of all energy consumed so far being energies extracted from Earth, we are gonna have to learn how to correctly use the only actual external source of energy, solar, which is unlimited, gifted to us for free, no extraction needed, therefore not compatible with promises to pay, and money issued on that, so money has to change to also being gifted for free, otherwise inflation has to continue out of control and we lose all power to even save ourselves as a species.