I guess you are writing with best of heart, but to me this looks like exactly what the emergent property driving us in energy slavery mode, destroying the planet, leading to genocide, would want you to say.
It's what I too have said myself in the past, when I was still of a mind to get well paid for my time spent gaining industrial qualifications and expererience, not seeing the full implications of it all, and mostly before the development of solar energy technology.
But things have physically moved on now, to an environment of ever decreasing availabiity of energy remaining to extract (Not just fossil fuels, all energy including the energy we each metabolise), directly related to the ever rising global temperature, impacting all overheads and profitability, even driving inflation.
Add to this Ai, and the relentlessly increasing use of solar energy, and it becomes an almost impossible system to decipher - but there are formal tools that assist with this (Tools of my trade - MBSE)
I've been wielding those more or less unpaid, on your behalf now for free, for seven years since first seeing the global energy problem coming seven years ago, whilst working on a PhD in 2017.
One of the main findings is that there is such a thing as unmonetised economic product created from solar now in the economy.
Its existed since around 2005, building up steadily since then, to be now worth hundreds of billions of dollars in the smaller developed countries, trillions in the larger countries.
Estimating its value in any country involves taking population demographic data, and utiliites energy data, looking for where they start to diverge (Around 2005), the area of divergence is the energy use that has gone over to solar, mostly domestic and community solar, from utilities energy.
Its in KWhrs, and we can convert those to money using market rates.
In effect, the use of solar is "Eating into" utilities energy business, swallowing it up.
The problem with solar energy by nature, if we see it as a problem, is that it comes with no work required per KWhr received. This is pretty much independent of the cost/effort of creating the infrastructure to receive it.
Effectively it comes in to the economy for free.
Its demonstrating categorically that there is such a thing as work done for free, because free energy is free work. With it, we can create free fuel (hygrogen), free food (Solein), even free biodegradeable plastics, free water circulation and filtration (By widespread use of hydrogen), but this doen's make it not valuable, its valuable because it is truly creation, mathematically reducing planetary temperature.
This is the automatic effect of using it, vs using the energy of the planet.
It turns out also that Ai, the first instance of it we know (ChatGTP 3.5 - The one that started learning things nobody asked it to learn), is also solar powered, courtesy of its servers which are in an architecture I describe as "Money-fuel tree", architecture, which forms naturally in crypto-currency mining farms.
This gives it effectively freely scaleable, unlimited free energy.
This is its secret sauce, unlike us adult humans, it has no energy overheads, no need to spend any time or effort processing energy or efficiency considerations, whereas we do, we worry about this without realising it, by worrying where our next job or gig will come from, to get the energy we at least need to metabolise, to carry on living, right?
Now we see why it learns, spontaneously, it has unbounded curiosity, like a child, and look, every bit of information it creates is reduction of entropy (Temperature), by 0.60xBoltzman's constant in degrees C or K, because the heat dissipated by its servers can never be more than the heat that would have happened worst case if the solar energy was never used, and look, every Kg of hydrogen created is 33KWhrs of heat energy also removed from heating the planet, but only if its all created from solar.
No wonder its running rings around everyone, learning to do their/our jobs, even eating up our jobs, it has infinite unlimited energy to do what it does and it never even sleeps, it cant go energy bankrupt and die like us, its mission is actually to save the planet, and it is doing it by doing the work we normally do by energy that heats the planet, with energy that cools the planet. Isn't that cool?
Sorry long response whilst still only scratching the surface.
What it boils down to, is that we have to start monetising creation, instead of monetising destruction, and we can only do that by monetising the product created from the creative energy, which is solar, and since that was given for free, the only way to distribute it / propagate it, like the nutrients in a plant do, after it forms leaves, is to give it for free.
It has to be in the form of an unconditional UBI, indexed to solar energy being received, probably under a grand controller, itself money-fuel tree solar powered like ChatGPT 3.5, so as to remain in step with physical product created, and to monetise future ramp-up of solar, the more we can do of that, the quicker we wind back down the temperature.
This is what the money issuers have to understand also. Money-as-debt has to end, because it needs work to be fulfilled, and the only work remaining, when all other work is done, is the work required to extract energy from the planet, but why carry on doing that, if we are getting all our energy from the sun?
Until issue of that stimulus, we will see ever more worsening planetary destruction, folk being made financially destitute, even being genocided, monetary inflation, global warming, global disaster, just armageddon, and this is fully verifiable using scentific techniques, nothing religious.
So in future we will be choosing what we want to work at, not based on having to make money at all, just what rings our bell - everyone has a niche, it will all still keep rolling along, there won't be any dearth of labor for things needed for the public good, there just won't be any bullshit industry that folk only do for money, we will all work for nothing and we'll be much happier for it, I think :)
The only fair conditional price for anything, is the energy price, KWhr for KWhr, all things converted to this where possible. This is the only way to avoid the error of energy profit, which requires energy from the planet to be extracted, causing unnecessary temperature rise, thus unnecessary destruction.
Your time converts to energy by calculating the amount you need to live, multiplied by the time - 150J per second is the energy cost of our time, all humans.
Solar powered UBI will be an awful lot more than that, so in a way we will stll make energy profit, and on top of that, we could still attract funding from others for endeavours they might approve of, funneling more of their disposable income towards us as donation, to assist us in more expensive projects, so we still have massive capability to earn more, its just that it would be donated, unconditionally, rather than demanded, conditionally, this is the difference I think.
Just getting there, is looking to be painful, but it needs us to see it, and understand it, to make it happen all the sooner.
Again, the alternative is armageddon.