I guess we will have to agree to differ on some points John. I should disclose also being an investor of a kind: Six years voluntarily spent working on this problem since I found it barring the way to the PhD candidate research I was working on around 2017, after twenty odd years practice as a consultant Model Based Systems Engineer for defence / aerospace industrial companies in UK, with also hardware design and patents in the electrical energy metering business, a long time ago. I've maintained all the tools and skills gained, and applied those to the problem in hand, I maintain a model repository of most things covered. This has been the sole effort of my research company originally created for the PhD, but now redirected necessarily to the energy problem, because apart from wishing to be able to deliver the virtual world product I had in mind, I also just want a survivable, better world, for my daughter who is Gen Z. The PhD required a sustainable virtual world, which is not possible on extracted energy. Since a virtual world is essentially just a model of the real world, it follows that the real world has the same problem, and it can't be fixed in the virtual world until it is fixed in the real world. Hence my current work. The techniques you saw in the conversations with the Ai, were all formal Systems Engineering techniques, though an untrained eye might not have recognised it as that, notice I made it aware early on which standards we were working to.