Frederick Bott
6 min readJun 30, 2022


I guess this fits with the standard scientific view. In essence it says that we happened by accident. I struggle with it for a number of reasons, given what we know now of how the drive for profit in all things tends to be a huge source of misinformation. Whenever we, driven by profit, are working on problems that by definition, only we know about, we are the ones "creating the knowledge" ourselvse as specialists we see no harm in taking some liberties, to close out minor questions we see in our findings. So we create some little "White lies", to close off the research, whilst it remains profitable. That is the normal use of Occam's Razor, it seems to me. On the other hand, whenever Occam's Razor is not used, when it should have been, it is often to perpetuate "Bullshit Business" (Business that exists just to keep people making some money - see "Bullshit Jobs" - David Graeber), including even war, the biggest waste of energy of all.

I believe that the current dialog around "Dark Energy", and even the big bang, are things which have arisen from foundations which are flawed in that way. This shouldn't be seen as a smear of the brilliant work any of the figures involved, but an observation of a very deep flaw in the system of humanity, the need for every one of us to always make profit, which we are all conditioned from birth to work with.

But the errors that seemed insignificant a few decades ago are now coming home to roost, with the result that we fundamentally can't see our way out of things like the current energy crisis.

To me as a Systems Engineer, it seems crazy to deny that all energy on Earth comes from the sun. Yet many apparently scientific folk argue this is not the case, citing magic energy creating mechanisms within Earth.

Yet everything we see, depletion of all things on Earth, including all life, is as a direct result of our human activity.

Obviously it is unsustainable. We currently have it all wrong, and on its current course we are headed for extinction.

This becomes all the clearer, when we accept that there actually is no source of energy on Earth at all, that it is all just various forms of energy captured from the sun, worked by nature into all the things we know and value.

Therefore deriving energy from Earth by any means at all is harmful, no matter how we chop it, because it all comes from a finite source, like a big battery, it is trickle-charged from the sun, and we are consistently discharging it at an ever increasing rate.

Wars, disease, damage to species, are all manifestations of this characteristic of ours to derive energy exclusively from Earth.

Every promise to pay is a promise to extract, whilst the energy of the sun is pushed to us, no need to extract, after the interface to receive it is created.

There is a simple alternative argument, for how the Earth was formed from the sun, for every complex explanation of how Earth was formed independently, by accretion and etc.

There seems to me to be no proof either way, which is where I would suggest we need to turn to religion.

To me it makes perfect sense that there were/are beings of a higer order of intelligence than us, who created us, and who already knew all of the problems we would encounter, so they felt it necessary to try to give us some ground rules. Those rules had to be in a form of riddles, symbolic laws, for our relatively undeveloped intelligence to understand, which we would follow initially without question, but again knowing one day we would work out what they mean, why we generally need to follow those rules, to survive as a species.

To me those rules are all about energy, and where we get it from.

The sun shines from above, it is the one true source of all energy, the energy from below is a false god, we should beware of it.

I could go on, there are many, but hopefully you get the idea.

I see no solid argument that the Earth was not simply ejected from the sun, a blob of material of the sun, during an earlier volcanic phase in the life of the sun.

This would explain the heat in Earth as simply residual heat inherited from when we were part of the sun; our plane of rotation, our rotation, and our direction of rotation inherited from the rotation of the sun, which were all applicable at the time of ejection.

If there was a lot of material ejected, some of it would settle into an orbit of equilibrium, hence the planets of the solar system.

Maybe haven't seen that yet in astrononomical obervations via all the means we have to do that, but, have we ever looked for it?

To know what it is that might have blinded us to it, we just need to look at our economy; money-as-debt is fully compatible with all energy from extraction, in fact locking is into the latter, but not compatible with the energy from the sun, which is pushed to us for free.

So we don't issue money reflecting the product received from sunlight, and yet we are receiving it, and even scaling it up.

The end result, and what we are all missing, is understanding where we really are. We might think this is the end of the world, and the best we can do is get tooled up and "Batten down the hatches", to defend whatever we have from marauders in the presence of ever increasing scarcity.

But only if we can't see that our species is right now in a similar stage of life as the shoot of a tree, just as it starts to sprout leaves.

For all of its life before that, it withdrew all of the energy it needed from the dark stores of Earth, but after it sprouts leaves, the energy flow within it changes direction, to flow from leaves to Earth.

Again I think conventional science might deny this, claiming that the tree contributes no energy to Earth, just uses it to build itself up, but that conclusion does not stack up in the systems analysis, the amount of Joules absorbed by the tree in its lifetime vastly outweighs what we could say were used to grow the tree, or that might still exist in its carcass at end of life. So where did they go, if not into Earth?

I could go on about this from every angle for years, have done already for five years, in almost 280 stories to date in Medium, and thousands of replies like this one, but it is thankless work, with no profit whatsoever at the end of it, just the hope that at some point this information will "click" with the issuers of money, and sometime soon, we will start to see issue of massive stimulus again, as has to happen for our survival as a species, it seems to me.

The truth is that the real reason money is devaluing is that it is not being issued to reflect actual physical product being received from the sun. This is inevitable, since it is not money itself which is the thing of value, it is the energy and products being made from it, including hydrogen that we can consume with no pollution at all, and even food (See "Solein")

There is a very dark alternative, again rhyming deeply with religion, which I think exists, again something we can work out, depending on the emergence of something like fusion, but it really would be an unimaginably miserable existence for all remaining humans, even those in charge, it seems to me.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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