I guess if us going extinct about now is what we think should happen, then we might say we can choose to do that, to self destruct, by refusing to use the only actual energy source to Earth, the sun.
We have to read that rule I mentioned very literally and physically, there is no way round, no way of surviving if we do not comply. The effects on money is already uncontrollable inflation. The effects on environment is it is literally starting to burn. Every year now will be orders of magnitude worse than the previous, until we perish or turn it round, the only way possible, by monetising solar energy via massive solar indexed UBI. I don't know how much more damage is going to have to happen for mainstream to realise and accept this. I hope not too much more, but there will come a point when it is too late, the damage done will be irrecoverable. I don't think we are there yet because we still have the purchasing power to acquire the solar infrastructure needed to turn things round, but we are busy spending it on things like fusion, fission, and of course fossill fuels, all for utilities eneregy companies who wish to profit by selling energy to the public, whilst the public is increasingly producinjg their own energy by solar, up to thirty percent of energy consumed in developed countries now but profitability depends on value of money which obviously has to fail, because it only represents extracted energy, the money issued only as debt, it can never monetise solar in this way, it is mathematically impossible, because there is no exchange deal by solar, it is given with nothing asked in return, no way to have it by profit.
We are like a baby on a dying mother, still searching around for more nipples to suck, when there is food on a plate being handed to it, this baby does not know how to stop sucking long enough to just accept the food on the plate, but meantime both us, and mother are dying from eneergy exhaustion.