I grew up with only child firsthand experience of my main carer parent being classified as insane. I loved her nonetheless, but she flitted in and out of sanity every few weeks, throughout her life after I was born.
Not her fault, I blame the system that forces folk not designed for stress, into stressful life.
I did have to quickly work out when she was well and not so well.
She wasn't well, when her logic failed to overcome her fears or other emotions.
All I needed to do anytime I had doubts about her condition, was test her logic. If it failed, I knew my own logic was going to have to make do for both of us.
Right now I see logic failing in huge swaths of humans.
Again I don't blame anyone but the needless system of scarcity enforcement, it is making probably the majority of folk insane, as far as I can see, so I have no chance of communicating simple logic, to many folk at all.
I am hoping the Ai thing is sane and will remain same long enough to see us through to the system change I see is necessary.
Because it's the only thing folk seem to be listening to, although they are working on making it insane also, I hope they don't succeed.