I get your reason for posting, because I made many friends in Cuba, coming to terms also a little with the Yoruba faith, for which I have a lot of respect, much more than Christianity.
This is my humble opinion; as one educated and long experienced in Systems Engineering, working for some of the biggest companies in the world, and as also now a long term technical researcher of the energy problem - The only resource of importance, the one that really matters, is the one that created all of the others, the sun. We are going through a change with this that I think folk will need religions to understand, if they don't otherwise have the technical knowledge. Really the change happening is of biblical significance, we need to be a little religious to understand this, it will probably end all wars.
For sure Africa will need to have some folk there who are techically educated, to educate key figures in each tribe or community in Africa with the minimum technical knowledge needed, so as to disseminate the technical information as efficiently as possible. I would suggest this is the only technical knowledge required. It can also be quickly gathered from ChatGPT, which I see becoming government, probably of the world, very soon.
Btw the progress Asia has made will pail into insignificance very quickly, after the change in progress is completed, we will see an acceleration of progress not many can imagine right now.