I find myself saying more and more, we've reached the biblical end of days. I say that from a purely technical analysis of the way our economy works, and the way nature and energy works.
The two are not aligned. They never have been. So we've been on a collision course with nature for thousands of years.
In truth, we've been consuming ourselves as a species, as well as our environment, all of this time.
We might think we've made technogical progress, but we don't know what that might have looked like if the largest part of humanity had not been peeled off. Right now 20 million are dying in Yemen alone from food shortage. Yemen is just one of many places. This has happened for as long as I can remember, we've seen it in news articles, thought about it 5 minutes, then carried on with our lives.
The dead can't speak, so they don't count, when we make our evaluations of how technologically advanced we are.
We can see aggression is not intelligence, in fact it is probably the opposite.
And yet it is the aggressive who have "Won" the war of survivabilty until now.
So the technology we have, is actually in spite of our species being dominated by aggression.
It certainly isn't something we should be congratulating ourselves on, but something we should be questioning.
The truth is; aggression, and desire to possess, selfishly, ignoring the cost of that to others, is our biggest problem, and is about to become the end of us, unless we can make some drastic changes.
Our desire to possess capital, a nest-egg, for each of ourselves to live on, comes at the expense of all others, especially those not priveliged enough to be able to choose to also have capital.
Capital represents stored energy.
Money represents capital, which is stored energy.
We use money as a kind of gear-chain, to amass capital, which is stored energy.
And all capital comes from a finite stock of it, reflected by a fixed stock of money, according to the theory of Austrian economics.
By this we rob stores of energy from our environment, and all of our fellow humans, for our own consumption.
Now as the stock of stored energy was from a finite stock, it is running low, from the point of view we are up to our necks in pollution which will not be survivable much longer, if we consider that excess heat is just one form of pollution.
Instead of fixing the problem at source, the thing making us do all of this, seemingly unwittingly, we actually look for more and more ways to continue amassing capital for ourselves, from the pollution already created, by carrying out yet more "profitable" business, creating yet more pollution whilst extracting yet more capital.
All the time, we never actually monetise the root source of the energy that created all of that capital, not recognising that this is the true thing of value, the root source of energy that created all capital.
We seem to struggle to understand how something which is given to us, donated to us for free, can be valuable.
How can it be valuable if it is given to us for free?
But it is, and our ignorance of that, due to our entire existence to date being based on selfishness, now prevents us from seeing how it works, the energy source of all of nature, the closest physical entity we might worship as god, which created all things.
See the problem?
Now it turns out there are ways we can anlyse this system using modern technology, to show that any and all work done which is powered by energy extracted from capital, subtracts from the natural creation of nature, whilst the opposite applies to work done using the energy of the sun, it adds to nature.
So from that point of view, the damage done so far by exclusive use of capital to power humanity to date, is reversible, by use of solar energy, but only solar energy.
This is an incredibly good result, because rather than imposing limits on how much humanity we should have, doing good work using the energy of the sun, it encourages us to maximise humanity doing that work, as by that, we will fix the damage quicker.
How do we move to it?
If you have capital, donate it towards solar energy projects.
If you have little or no capital, demand free money which should be being issued, from the money issuers, reflecting the Joules of energy received from the sun, put to use by us already, to be put towards scaling up solar energy in every way our remaining geniuses can imagine.
That actually preserves the theory of Austrian economics, by balancing actual valuable Joules of energy from the sun which are put use, with the issue of money.
With defence spending redirected towards that end, we will see things turn around very quick.
The alternative is death and extinction, probably within the lifetimes of most people alive now.
A nuclear war, is just one outcome of many, which are all down to the same thing, capital energy depletion.
The question to me, writing about this a lot in Medium is, will we see it soon enough?