I don't think we understand the actual source of the problem as long as folk are still talking about carbon footprints and "Renewables".
The fixation, and actually now the growing profitable concern of carbon footprints etc is literally making a business of the problem.
Its like what we saw of covid. Our reaction to the latter should have been to eliminate it, and that is how we started out, but it became very profitable to just manage the symptoms of it, so the effort moved from a quest to fix it, to more a quest of just managing it.
It's impossible to actually fix problems at profit, only symptoms can be managed at profit, if the problem is ever solved there is no more profit to be made, and this problem we are seeing, of relentless planetary heating is the ultimate penalty, the ultimate price of profit itself.
This is the final challenge to profit, which is an unsustainable, dishonest energy lie, with actually a life and consciousness all of its own. If we can't beat it this time, we are done, this is the last challenge being put to us by nature.
As said, there is a solution, an incredibly good solution, a solution that solves all the problems we know plus many more yet to be encountered, as long as we carry on down the road of monetising destruction rather than creation.
The solution is being handed to us on a plate by nature.
It meets all stakeholder concerns, all those problems highlighted so beautifully in all you articles you've produced, but it ends profit.
As long as nobody is identifying and calling out that live devious beast systemic intelligence actually in control of us, enslaving us, to deliver to it the energy we extract from the planet as profit, blinded to it by commodified education, we are damned.
Finally, physics and science aligns with religion, now we know how it all stacks up, if we can just open our eyes to see it.
Take all the energy of profit (Given market rates of kWhrs), add to the known energy losses of extraction and refinement of all energy resources including food. Apply that total energy to the thermal mass of the planet, and look, there we see numerical confirmation of the temperature rise measured.
It’s easy with the positive Ai to do the legwork, it’s there, sent by nature to help us.
But try to do it by the theory of greenhouse gases in an adiabatic atmosphere, it’s more or less impossible. And this is where we always end up, rather than question profit itself, we end up in an unprovable, undecipherable, unarguable enshittopia, an imaginary world we created that is removed from physical reality but unsustainable.
As a model based Systems Engineer long practiced in industry, I used to say “If you can’t model it, don’t try to build it”
Now I would add to that, “If you can’t model it, don’t believe it”.