I don't think we should suffer suffering, there is little need or cause for it after we move to creation, as we will by solar energy, one way or another. Most of the suffering is due to deliberate scarcification of money, and money is energy so it's actually scarcification of energy.
The population is in process of scarcifying the energy of all life, due to each layer in the hierarchy refusing to empower the lower layers below, such that the latter may never grow or compete. This is energy slavery, it's how to keep people in bondage, trickle feed only the energy they need to work for the layer above, no more, or they might get powerful enough to overthrow. It's such a stupid system and completely unsustainable, and as far as we know its only been practiced for about 2000 years, but we are traumatised into believing it's been forever, and it has to be that way.
Well, the bubble of lies is bursting now.