Frederick Bott
4 min readOct 2, 2023


I don't think this is an exaggeration, it is what I've seen coming for about six years now, as an independent researcher working on it. The more work I've done on it, the clearer it becomes that what we are doing is completely unsustainable, and we will increasingly suffer financially for this as well as the growing physical threat of the environment becoming less and less habitable, not just for us, but also all of life.

The timescales I would put on this is zero.

There is no more time to play with.

The drift towards nuclear war is included.

All of it is systemically related to the action of continuously withdrawing energy from Earth, putting very little of it back, using a very effective energy transport mechanism - money.

We are building up solar farms, granted, but these are not transporting the energy needed to people, who will then apply it beneficially to the planet.

We can only do that with money.

But it can't be done with money issued as debt, because this has within it a promise to do work, which when all other work is done, has to end up as the work of energy extraction.

Whereas the energy of the sun is delivered for free per Joule, the sun never demanded or asked for work to be done to receive the energy from it. It does require we do some work with it, to stop it from just becoming heat, we have to do other things with it, applying those to the planet, like plants do, using nutrients,

Money is the only thing we have that can carry out the same action as nutrients in plants.

To do this, money has to be issued for free in response to the Joules / KWhrs of energy received from the sun - this is solar indexed UBI, or permanent solar indexed stimulus.

This is the only way the actual physical energy received by solar farms can be propagated into the economy.

Until that is done, we might as well recognise that there is effectively an energy insulator, which isolates solar farms from the financial economy, and thus from human affairs, forcing us to continue using extracted energy as our main energy source, which supplies the 150 or so Joules each of us needs to metabolise per second, 24/7 to live.

We will never, and can never switch that dependency from extracted energy to solar energy, until this is done.

Until then, the damage we are seeing will continue to be done, crashing through all targets of sustainability.

This is not dependent on time, but on profits made.

Energy extraction fundamentally requires profit, and profit fundamentally requires energy by extraction, because the basic action of profit is to "Steal" the energy from Earth.

That is where all energy in all profit has to come from, when "money makes money", and money being energy, always, no exceptions, the same value in markets before and after the profitable transaction, the extra energy gained has to have come extracted from Earth, because energy can't be created or destroyed, only pushed around.

It can't come from solar either, because it is impossible to "Steal" energy from solar, it is all delivered to us for free, nothing asked in return.

So at the root of the energy problem which is killing the planet and all life on it, is a basic problem of honesty.

I know, won't go down well, saying all business for profit, and actually all activities for profit are actually an energy con, that we all do, every one of us, but.... how else can we put it, if we want it fixed, we have to be brutally honest about it, real physics doesn't do dishonesty. Energy, the currency of nature, can't be created or destroyed, only pushed around and mimicked.

Btw, nobody can or should be victimised for this, it is something we all do, and would do "At the top", if we were given the chance, as things were.

I suggest some kind of amnesty needs to be declared, to move from the old for-profit economy, to a new solar sourced donation economy.

The instant stimulus starts to be issued, the problem starts to be fixed. Timescales for the fix, by implementation of solar hydrogen on a domestic and community basis is only a couple of years to attain complete solar powered economy, with hydrogen replacing all fossil fuels, whilst removing most requirements for batteries. Maybe 5 years after than we will start to see some crazy stuff, like Concorde back in the air, affordable by all people, even the toilet cleaners. Thirty or forty years after that, we will have repaid the energy debt to Earth, that we ran up in thousands of years of business for profit, replacing all of the natural environment more or less as was, with all the benefits of clean air and water, unlimited fish stocks, etc, etc.

This isn't a pipe dream, its the system we could have, by just being honest about energy, rather than the armageddon we are going to have, as the consequence for carrying on with the dishonesty.

This is the real choice we have, right now.

How do I know all of this? Because I've applied formal systems Engineering Techniques to it, the same techniques as applied previously to the biggest systems implemented. This is just me carrying on doing my job, this time for free, knowing we are going to need this.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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