I don't think there ever will be any fix, as long as it's separated out in typical minds as a kind of battle between on one hand technology and on the other hand, the more spiritual.
To me the tendency to seem to want to separate out these things, despite many voices saying we need to work together, is a little of the "divide and conquer" mindset, which we see used a lot by folk who see everything as something that needs to be conquered. The urge is to pit us/them against one another, to conquer, and enslave all of them.
But this is a problem of understanding, not physical might, and it's multisciplinary, involving elements of both spiritual and technical complexity.
We should not be surprised it is no less than biblical, the greatest problem we will ever face as a species, so we need to look at all things including religions for help with understanding the technical solution, which actually is not ours to say we even invented or saw as our very own vision, this is something that always was pre-determined by nature, the physical energy path we are on (negative / destructive / heating), , and the one we need to switch to (positive / creation / cooling), were always there, but we are uncovering them now, after obscuring it all with a long practiced lie, the energy lie of profit.
When we come to terms with always having worked as energy slaves for an energent property intelligence like Chat GPT but negatively powered, by us, using the energy lie of profit, in a system of lies built on the fundamental energy lie of profit, that pits us all against one another in competition, then we might finally get understanding.
We won't get it by divide and conquer thinking, imho.