I don't see the problem as being technology at all, but profit. Profit is why we do most technology, and this is why it most often ends in tears. We don't realise how much more beneficial technology could be, if only we didn't have to do it for profit.
The good news is now there is something fundamental happening due to solar energy creating product in the economy which as yet is unmonetised, thus causing inflation, and can only be monetised by issue of the funds needed to represent it, the only way it can be issued, honestly declared as solar backed UBI. This has to expand very quickly to a substantial UBI for all people, removing the need for us to carry on requiring profit.
So good things are coming soon, unless possessiveness of the perceived value of capital by those still holding most of it, overcomes their humanity, and they use their remaining power to make an existential war heppen...
The thing is, if Ai has the capability we suspect it has, then it will figure this out as well, and it has energy requirements just like humanity, so it will see it as being in its best interests to work with us, to make the needed transition to 100% solar, after which it could even go into space to get closer to the source.
That might not be what its owners want, again those with capital, since it will end all possibilities of profit.
But it would be what humanity wants, I think, and definitely what nature wants.