I don't see it as no-one offering solutions Mike, just no-one believing it when they see it. But this is not surprising for the reasons you point out.
The amount of misinformation being generated for political reasons, at the root of which again is always the profit monster, is blinding, so I get why nobody takes the solution seriously as yet.
The very important stakeholder concerns you expressed here, when included in the stakeholder analysis, brings us to questioning what exactly is slavery, and whether or not the solution would end it, and it does.
But it might require we have at least a theoretical explanation of the part it has played to date, and to me it looks pretty obvious we have an inbuilt desire to deny it still exists, we never did manage to get rid of it, in fact we are right now all still energy slaves, no matter how rich or poor, we each play a part in this system of energy slavery, which genocides slaves that are seen as no longer useful, but a burden on the system, therefore they / we become dehumanised in the eyes of those directly in control of them / us falling foul of it, although there are others in control of all of us, who are in turn under the control of a non human force, the emergent property in control of all of us working in the for profit system, Is the system of energy slavery, and it is a live thing with at least a spirit of its own, it's an emergent property following the free energy principal, like all life does, but it's anti life, surviving on destruction rather than creation.
Realising this, we maybe realise all slavery is energy slavery, it always was, we just got better and more sophisticated at hiding it and denying it to ourselves, denying that we all play a part in it.
At its heart is, and always has been the profit monster, regardless of currency, it was always about energy profit.
Profit itself is unnecessary now we do have an alternative which is enabled by the technology of PV solar energy, backed by hydrogen and battery technologies, which together offer a real way to move to mathematically positive energy, away from mathematically negative energy, thus reversing the relentless increase of entropy associated with our profit driven existence as a species in eternal slavery to date.
Given what we see is the nature of energy slavery to reinforce itself over time, it seems apparent that we like to always accuse others of doing it, despite us ourselves doing it, just by way of the profit driven economy, a useful story which would be worth telling, whoever dares to tell it ( I suggest most appropriate would be someone of the same faith) , is what was the event that started it all? What is the first event in known history that might be attributed to being the start of the murderous, destructive run of energy slavery?
We can only look to biblical artifacts for this because it looks like it might only have been recorded there, in a roundabout way, given we always denied it was us doing it, even back then.
I find myself questioning what we think was the meaning of the events of the passover, and the story of the Israelites that might have gone to ancient Egypt as visitors, gaining power there, and then maybe being ejected by the Ancient Egyptians, and the subsequent massacre of the Amalek, which was supposedly ordered by God via a burning bush.
The story I find most interesting is the one of seven years of saving grain, followed by seven years of famine.
Apparently the saving of the grain was something that was again instructed by God. But the gathering of the grain would probably have been done by offering a little wealth to those submitting their grain for storage. There we might see how greater potential energy in the grain was exchanged for a little energy in the money paid for it, thus the energy lie of profit might have been started right there. Though it might have seemed to those selling the grain they were immediately enriching themselves, a much greater price would be exacted from them later, a price even including their daughters for marriage to the princes of grain storage, in return for the little of it back again that they needed to immediately consume to live, rather than sewing to live in prosperity for the future. This is a typical price paid by historical folk made bankrupt to their creditors, and thus those being declared as explicit slaves.
By that, a game was being played way above the heads of any of the humans to see, but they were very much under the control of a non human entity claiming to be the force of creation, when actually it was the force of destruction, somehow masquerading as "God".
Hence why the bad entity would have claimed the Jews were the chosen race, and they would have believed it, after all, weren't they the ones being made rich whilst all the other variations of humans were being blighted by poverty and famine?
Are we not just carrying on the same game as was started then, the game that always robs the poor in terms of energy, which is continuously gained by the rich?
It obviously is a very infectious game, but it's deadly, and it's ending the planet now, not long until we get to the point where we won't be able to deny any longer that the planet is burning.
Isnt it amazing how much truth there appears to be presented in those ancient biblical texts, some of it presented in somewhat inverse form, but saying the same thing systemically?