I don't see anything different here than demonstrated in many times previously, in the 60 or so years fusion has been sought.
In all cases, a spike of power was produced which at the time of the spike, could be said to exceed the power input to whichever system is needed to mimic the action of the massive gravity of the sun. In this case it was lasers. In others it was magnetic fields.
In terms of total energy, it is far from true to say more Joules were output from the experiment than the Joules that went into the experiment, including arguably all the joules that went into funding all the teams and careers of all the scientists who ever worked on it, assuming all are pooling their joint knowledge and efforts on fusion.
And where did those Joules come from... the sun, the same thing as folk are trying to replicate in a box by fusion, and for what... to have possesion of it, because they know they can never possess the sun, they can only watch as others draw their power from it, and they can’t profit by that. But still they claim the sun can never be enough, because the amount they can derive for their own use, even to power the biggest of projects like space development, is never enough.
Formally monetise solar product, and everyone will soon forget we ever tried to imitate the sun.
Until then, investors will be tricked into contributing yet more energy put towards fusion, because they believe by that, humanity will continue to be forced into paying for power, and they might personally profit by that.