I don't really understand why folk identifying themselves as left or right invariably blame the other kind for encouraging violence.
Both do it. All humans do it, in presence of scarcity, it seems to me.
But lately the scarcity is only perceived, or artificially imposed, because our economy currently monetises capital, when it should be energy, and the only actual source of energy is the sun.
Capital devalues in the presence of actual monetised energy. That is inevitable, and something that most investors don't like the sound of, but why should it be worried about, if the end result, abundant free money for all people, removes all future need to invest?
Folk might wonder what would happen to markets if everyone had ubiquitous free money, but we've seen it already, when 4Tn stimulus was first issued in US, oil prices went negative, whilst the dollar value went up, and the shares of conventionally bankrupt companies still offering known, loved products and services like Hertz, soared.
Imagine criminals no longer needing to commit crime to have money, and the world no longer seemingly on a path to self destruction, things could be very different. I think we are on the brink of that change, and everyone instinctively knows it. Some worry about it, but a lot of others are looking forward to it.
The key is in "Kardashev Money", which anyone can read about by searching. Only if you already have an awful lot of the old kind of money, are you isolated from having to consider it, but, inflation will eat into all capital, even gold, until no-one bothers keeping any, it seems to me.