I don't know how to say this briefly, but will try, it might be information that makes a difference to you. It certainly did me.
Capitalism, mathematically, is coming to an end.
In fact it already has, and the capitalists are yet to realise it, far less admit it, it seems to me.
Its technical demise comes about from our increasing connection to the energy of the sun.
The Joules being received from the sun, which can easily be converted to physical hydrogen fuel, are added to what has always been considered economically as a fixed base of capital.
That fact stands, no matter how the Joules are put to use, it could be as electricity, the heating of a water tank, the generation of cryptocurrency tokens, the creation of hydrogen fuel, or an infinity of other things, it still stands that it dilutes all capital.
A piece of gold now no longer has a fixed proportion to the fixed capital base, which we have always squabbled over, in the zero-sum game of capitalism.
Now it is an ever expanding base, whcih is not capitalism.
We might identify the new era, post capitalism, as Energyism.
The Austrian Economics ideal that all monies issued should reflect product available to buy, are not being honored, if monies are not created to reflect the Joules added from solar. We might notice solar powered proof of work tokens are an exception, they are their own tokens of exchange, which can empower anyone.
Free energy, uniquely only available from the sun, and the only kind that can be had without labor, but more importantly, without pollution, is the end of capitalism.