I don't have so much of an issue with wind, but if you carry on talking about "Renewables", then things like nuclear and hydrogen mixed with fossil fuels start slipping in unnoticed, until its too late.
There is no such thing as "Renewable Energy".
You are a scientist dude, you should want to strictly observe physics, and notice that the only energy added to Earth, thus the only one we can use without doing any damage, actually some repair of winding the temperature back down, is solar.
If you do an energy flow diagram of the wind turbine scenario, and even the hydro scenario, you will see there is a certain amount of energy taken from the wind (Water in the case of hydro), and a lot less energy actually yielded to us.
The difference between those two is heat, liberated to the environment, and the energy taken was from the wind, which has to have a crucial function on Earth, its all meant to do something, like spread cross-pollination etc, often in places way outside our view, but we take away its power, when we take the energy from it, no getting round it, is a form of destruction, however mild.
That it seems mild, whilst there are not too many windmills, makes it manageable. Why not let some investors have some fun with it.
But those same investors will not like to see their investments devalued, by money issued to reflect the value of economic product created by us using the sun on a domestic and community basis, pushing down utilities energy usage by now around 30% in developed countries, because to monetise that energy, uniquely given for free, nothing asked in return, immune from profiteering, use of it cooling instead of heating, we have to issue the money reflecting it for free, which would devalue all capital.
But by not doing it money is coming to represent nothing anyhow, because it is becoming increasingly representative of nothing, whilst difficulty of energy extraction keeps going up, pressuring all overheads, hence the real physical reason inflation will not stop, and will devalue all capital in any case.
So they are stuck between a rock and a hard place, all investors, even if they don't realise it yet, they will, the wars we are seeing are all connected, they are all energy wars, and the madness we see creeping into people is because we are mostly reacting very badly to the obvious reduction in energy availabilty, to all of us, even the richest, they won't be feeling so rich on a planet racing towards armageddon.
So its only a matter of time until solar indexed simulus has to start, and that will be a very big game changer, finally rewarding for doing the right thing by the planet - using the energy of the sun.
As soon as that money reflecting it is issued, with clear and honest description of what that money is, solar indexed stimulus, windmills will become more or less instantly irrelevant, because solar is just so much easier on a domestic and community basis, and we will alll be empowered to do it, it will be a no-brainer.
Further, we will have hydrogen generation capability, to generate clean fuel for all transportation, including all aerospace. Implementation time - one or two years, no more. Even better, payback time (The time it would take us to put back the energy we took out and threw to heating the planet), would be only about 40 years, assuming not too much more genocide (We need all hands to the pump). Compare that with how long it would take for nature to make more oil.