I don't believe its true at all, but thanks for posting, I am sure your heart is in the right place and you mean well, maybe your approach will achieve the desired effect... mine obviously isn't working.
The temperature increase is directly but exponentially related to profits made. This is the maths of buildup, like when we approach a source of field of electric charge with a sharp electrode of the opposite charge, at some point breakdown will happen, with avalanche effects rapidly buiding up the discharge current, this isn't much different, its the same kind of maths, every profit made pushes the electrodes further together by a distance proportional to the amount of profit made (The amount of energy in the financial profit, that we can calculate in KWhrs, knowing the market rate of energy exchange).
Breakdown could happen at any instant now, the probability increases exponentially.
Breakdown would be when all hell lets loose, like a world nuclear war, or forest fires starting a chain like an explosion, even buring the air we breathe, or even the latter sparked by the former.
I think standard science, the kind that is mostly funded by enterprises for profit, can't see this, won't see it, because that would be the end of their world anyhow, they can't imagine a future without profit.
But we could have it, if we saw how to short circuit the energy disparity buildup.
It would be shorted by issue of solar indexed stimulus. We saw how it would work during covid, we saw oil prices go negative the only time in history so far, and we saw the environment make the only real spike of recovery in history so far, but the results were misinterpreted and fudged, again by profit driven interests as always.
Now it looks like, by not seeing this, conventional science is actually doing a massive waste of energy by virtue signalling. This jeapordises all chances of recovery, because we need to direct the remaining usable extracted energy resources towards implementation of widespread domestic and community based solar hydrogen, funded by prior issue of solar indexed stimulus.
I don't know how to say that in a way many folk seem to understand.
Meanwhile, when disaster hits, not many will actually see it coming, and they certainaly can't prepare for it with things like bunkers, no chance, nature is winding up to deliver a much bigger blow than most folk realise, and it could happen at any instant now, unless we short it, the only way we can short it.