I don't believe anything will change, until we change the source of energy powering humanity, from mathematically negative, to mathematically positive. Until then, the negative energy multipliers will keep multiplying.
I know, sounds more religious than scientific, right?
But this is applied science, formal systems Engineering that science appears to have stepped around investigating, maybe because it sounds too religious, or too scary.
Its all detailed in my e-book, about the Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework.
What it tells us is why we will never defeat the destructive mode of existence, until, or if we manage to make the leap, from mathematically negative to mathematically positive energy, the only one of which is the sun.
Some folk might argue we are in process of making that transition gradually by just slowly scaling up solar capacity, but it isn't true, we are not putting the solar energy being received to use, because we are not monetising it.
The only way it can be monetised is by massive solar indexed stimulus.
So if we really want to do something about the global energy problem before it finishes us by multiplying unforseen negative events, this is what we should aim to change, because this is the root of the problem, actually the root of all problems.
There is a real solution that becomes apparent, after we have accepted what the problem is.