I don't always read all of Eric Lee's stories, I don't find them much use because his thinking still displays the same detachment from the physics of nature that we see amongst most philosophers, who like to keep aruments physically unprovable, one way of another. Unprovable arguments tend to make folk famous and rich. Just look at the big bang theory for example. Folk think its proven but it never is, and never will be because its not the truth. In fact evidence that the big bang is not the truth is ignored,
The requirement for "Dark Energy" to be inserted in the theory is evidence that it is not true. This is just one example of "Science" losing touch with reality for the sake of money, which is energy, which is exclusively extracted from the planet.
It was always a lie, a trick, for money to make money, because the energy gained had to come from the other party in the deal. That other party then passes on the trick by using it (profit) to rob the energy they lost from someone else, or they risk dying from energy bankruptcy themselves. Every one of us has to live like this, robbing energy from everyone else by the lie of profit. This is how all supply chains work, and its how we each get at least the energy we need to metabolise, about 150W on average, for life, to a total of 0.1GWhrs per human life. But something or somebody ultimately has to supply more energy out than in, at the end of every chain, usually in the poorest of places that can least afford to have yet more energy ripped off, this is colonialism and slavery explained in terms of hard, physical energy, inarguable, checkable, simulateable physical truth.
It relates to physical destruction / creation, and even truth telling / lie telling.
Every bit of information created reduces temperature by at least 0.69 x Boltzman's constant in degrees C or K. It works both way, erasure or destruction of a bit raises temperature by the same amount. This is fundamental entropy increase / decrease, a lab tested and confirmed mathematical, physcial fact.
A lie is not creation of information because no information is created by a lie, and the universe knows this, because the temperature change indicates whether or not it was truth.
So another way of saying what is causing the global temperature rise, is that it is a direct result of all the lying, all the sales pitch, all the bullshit needed to keep selling people the energy lie.
No wonder we are screwed in the head, we actually have no idea, most of us, how far we are from physical reality.
That is what has to be reversed, to start creating, truly creating our way back out of trouble, a planet dying because it was robbed of all energy.
Why do you think Eric L, and other philsosphers never talk about enerrgy?
The red indians did know all about energy, well almost all. They knew we needed an infusion of energy, but they didn't know where that would have to come from - the sun.
This guy, a red Indian, had his finger on the pulse, I think: