I don't agree with you here.
You state that life on Earth will survive, no matter what we do to it.
As a Systems Engineer studying this voluntarily now for six years and counting, using all the techniques of formal systems analysis, I assure you the problem is far worse than you can currently imagine, given that you think life will survive, despite what we are doing, technically, physically.
I suggest the reason you can't see this is that you are still fundamentally driven by profit.
You have to be, to say that being selfish is just fine.
It isn't. In fact systemically it is physically unsustainable.
By trying to regulate the language I might use to say this to you, the physics doesn't change, only my ability and freedom to say it to you, that you are wrong, all life on Earth is an equilibrium, as is Earth's orbit around the sun, as is the temperature of Earth. as is the rate of creation vs destruction.
Break any one of them and all the others are broken.
There might be evidence from history which can be interpreted as indicating life existed in different conditions in the past, but so did the equilibriums, those can change gradually over time, with all things evolving accordingly, even in response to things like volcanoes.
The one we are unnaturally breaking is the rate of destruction vs creation.
Profit driven science won't tell you much about this, it even sounds religious.
But it is science, just not profit driven science.
Converting things from Earth to the energy we use is destruction by definition, raising temperature no matter how we do it, some will always be converted to heat which wouldn't exist if we didn't do it.
Conversely, converting the energy of the sun to things other than heat is creation by definition, resulting in less heat by our activity than if we didn't do it.
Currently, the first of the above two scenarios sums up most of our activity.
So our net activity is destruction, by consistently removing energy from Earth, which was previously put to use by nature, originally from the sun.
The thing we are destroying, this energy, includes life, all of life.
This is what you are obviously not understanding, if you think life will survive no mater what humanity does.
We are busy wiping it out, physically removing all energy from it.
We are doing that by way of money as debt, using profit driven business models.
This has only scratched the surface of what I could tell you about how wrong you are, but hopefully it gives you a basis from which you can trace out all the implications of profit and it's actual really harmful and now unnecessary effects on all things from here.
The brutal truth is that the systemic effects of all business being done for selfish profit is the thing killing not only us but actually all of life.
Changing it to sound less brutal would be to preserve profit, changing the whole truth to pseudo truth, leaving out the harsher parts, rendering it to nothing more than just another profit driven advertisement itself, selling thing like "Renewables" and "Carbon Mitigation", all of which is just more bullshit industry, entirely dependent on energy extracted from Earth, as is profit itself, truly the thing unsustainable, destruction by definition, carried out by a population mostly oblivious to the real harm it is doing.
Profit is exclusive to energy extracted from Earth, actual destruction, including if all of life. Life is just energy put to use. Take all of the energy from it, and it has to stop, all of it, including what we depend on, so in effect the acceptance and practice of the selfishness that you mentioned, is destruction of ourselves, and all of life.
Still think there will be any life left, if we can't change our ways.