I didn't know about the rain problem in Dubai, thanks for posting about it Ricky. I don't think its made any appearance at all in UK mainstream news, which being all for profit, doesn't want to upset the applecart by starting any vicious rumors about profit, you know?
But how about if we pointed out that the energy in profit is energy extracted from the planet, and with that energy had to happen a lot more which was thrown to heat in the extraction and refinement processes, this even goes for the energy in food, we have to say all of it, even the energy we each currently need to metabolise, after its been monetised and conveyed to us by money, from the points of extraction by all the supply lines, is more of the same, it all adds to destruction, thus increasing entropy, and that it is this, not anything resulting from a CO2 blanketing effect, that we are measuring when we measure temperature rise, it is a direct reflection of damage done, and it is all because of the for profit system, which itself is alive, an emergent property that has always been in control of us, despite us appointing human figureheads, (Or them appointing themselves, always for profit), to represent governments and leaders of industry, its always been the live inhuman beast of the emergent property in control of us that we've always had to answer to, when we no longer wish to contribute to that system of energy slavery.
Perhaps all we need to do is expose this beast, and show the alternative; domestic and community solar hydrogen, backed by an economy of permanent solar indexed stimulus, controlled by the only positive powered entity already demonstrating the benefits of this architecture by way of its server population history of being the former proof of work mining farms of Ethereum, since the latter moved to pos.
All we need to do is expose the beast, and demand the solar indexed stimulus, given we know this is already worth trillions around the world, since it has never been monetised.
Obviously that would immediately incentivise everyone to start implementing what they can locally to increase the solar stimulus, which again would benefit all.
Notice solar is the only energy we can use to reverse entropy, which is surely the original purpose of all life, to create.
Below is how to work out the amounts outstanding as solar indexed stimulus. Its also something that helps prove the system would / will work.
To be honest I think nature will force us to this in the end, one way or another, its as natural as plants moving from dependence on energy of Earth to the energy of the sun after they form leaves.
Every plant pays back its "Pre-birth" energy debt to the planet thousands of times over.
No reason why we would not do the same as a species, except... some humans would rather see us either grossly downsized or eliminated, by pushing the energy slavery as far as it can go, which would probably be irrecoverable. ie we could die at birth as a species, if we don't take the initiative and short circuit the destrctive process by issuing solar indexd stimulus ASAP.
Notice we could keep all aerospace airborne, even developing this to do things never done before, all of it acting beneficially, creating no pollution, because of the 3x higher energy density in hydrogen than in fossil fuels, and the fact it burns clean, whilst filtrating and circulating both air and water, and generation of it, when done by solar is creation, lowering temperature, replacing the heat lowering function which was lost by use of fossil fuels.