I didn't even bother reading this Will, carbon capture is not the answer to anything, because C02 is not the root source of any problem, its just a symptom. The root problem will never be fixed by always addressing symptoms, actually just perpetuated, because of course it will be profitable, and no-one wants to stop making profit, right?
But the energy gained in profit has to come extracted from the planet, because money is energy, always, and the planet is the only thing that can supply more out for a little put in, and the work of extraction always dissipates much more energy as heat than is gained, so we will see the planet continuing to get hotter, regardless of whether or not C02 is generated.
And it is planetary temperature rise that we want to stop, by attempting to reduce C02 yes?
Like I've said before many times, this is like opening the fridge door in a room containing a fridge, thinking that the fridge might cool the whole room, when actually it will heat the room even worse, with the fridge burning itself out, literally.
Carbon Capture is one of the biggest and most dangerous bullshit businesses ever thought up.
The bottom line is that the global energy problem can't be fixed at profit, because profit itself is an energy lie that heats the planet, its impossible to fixt the problem with profit.
So when are you going to start writing about solar indexed stimulus, hydrogen from solar, and money-fuel trees?