I did enjoy this article, though I think you got a few things wrong, it is a pretty cool speculative thought. I haven't seen your other energy article. The reason Musk, or any other fabulously wealthy individual will have difficulty being objective about the energy problem, and global warming happening as a result of it, is that their own wealth has come at a cost of planetary temperature rise, and even if they could see this, it would be difficult for them to admit that their businesses, based on the profit driven business model, are unsustainable as things stand.
Do you think Musk will change his business to be non profit, funded by money created by energy he might collect from solar?
My story on the money-fuel tree explains how to do that.
We could all do it on a domestic and community basis.
In fact if we all did it like that we could replace fossil fuels by hydrogen, keeping all airborne vehicles in the air, adding even some air vehicles lost in the past, like concorde and space shuttle, and new air vehicles we never would have thought of with fossil fuels.
The details I think you got wrong; assuming the twenty Watts you mentioned was what you thought was the energy consumption of a human, it is more like 150 Watts. This is the power budget you have to allow for humans, we can't survive on much less.
But the bigger error, which is fully understandable because it has been missed by profit driven science, is that to date we have created nothing in terms of life and energy on Earth, our net activity has been to reduce these. This corresponds directly with the rise of planetary temperature. More temperature means our net activity is destruction. Less temperature would mean creation, which can only be done by use of the energy of the sun, actual creation is impossible using only energy extracted from Earth.
So we might notice some relationships between historical profits made, and temperature rise, and realise that projected future profits and payments of debt are physically impossible, even independent of time.
We just can't afford profit any longer.
But if we switch to massive stimulus for all, to enable all to become domestic and community solar based, backed by hydrogen electrolysis in every community installation, we can turn everything round to actual creation in only a year or two.
This is very difficult for profit driven businesses and mindsets to see, it seems to me, but the planet starting to burn is opening everyone's eyes, I think.
Exciting times in any case!