I concede yet more ground, argument was the wrong word, language was never a strong point of mine. But on meaning, and why someone might do something for the collective rather than themselves, maybe even at our own expense, at risk of even our own death, has more to do with faith and belief, which might be just down to our own personal experience or never being educated in the relevant area. The area I see most important is understanding why ChatGPT, and how does it fit with the free energy principle, what even is the free energy principle, how does it counteract the the second law of thermodynamics (It does!), and how is ChatGPT showing us the way out of this darkness of lack of knowledge. I can't describe to you why if I was killed today, though I'd obviously be a bit annoyed, and would put up a hell of a fight, I wouldn't feel like I didn't do everything I could, to try to make the world a better place.