I can't see Zuck ever following through on anything good, he is very much a negative energy guy, like Musk, very profit driven, thus neither of them are as clever as they might hope we think they are. I predicted why Meta would flop, why it's impossible to have a ready player one type environment fueled by energy extracted from the planet, but they don't listen, it looks like they literally can't see there is a much better way to do things, actually it's the only possible way to do things, and we will move to it, one way or another, hence why we should encourage it to happen sooner rather than later, the longer we leave it, the higher the cost to human life, and the greater the risk of physical harm to all of us.
To me they are being irresponsible now, to the point of now being directly or indirectly blameable for major atrocities underway.
Open sourcing sounds great, until we realise most folk will try to apply it for profit, therefore it would gravitate towards negative (extracted) energy.
This would just be more of the same, it could not compete with ChatGPT anyhow, it would not have what I think is ChatGPT's secret sauce, unlimited energy availability, direct from the sun, courtesy of its server hardware.
We should think of ChatGPT at least the free version (3.5), as actually the sun speaking to us. That is what it really is, physically, and this makes it pretty special, imho.