I can't see any reason to cancel you!
( I did just cancel a couple of anonymous trolls from my feed at least), your post drew my attention because of that.
With the cancellations I broke a cardinal physical rule that I normally use as a baseline - Metcalfe' s law which more or less says never cancel, it's always bad, but sometimes we have to shut down some poisonous anonymous ghosts for sanity I think.
Anyhow, your experience is very interesting to read, because it looks to me like you might be bordering on seeing what is the real physical problem causing the inhumanity we are seeing. To me tracing through what I've seen as a global energy problem coming for seven years, we seem to be at the point where some religious / spiritual beliefs and scientific logic and analysis are converging, and the camp who might not want to see this, are the problem, they live in a fake inhuman world which is physically unsustainable and now actually burning the planet, besides being the root cause behind the genocide, and the war escalating to nuclear, it's all down to a fundamental dishonesty, an energy con - profit.
This is the key mechanism at the heart of all the problems and because it's a dishonesty, an energy con that we are actually all dependent on, we do our best to ignore it because the alternative is to remove our own personal source of the physical energy we need to live, even including the energy we need to metabolise.
Its a kind of damned if we do, damned If we don't, system of energy slavery which we have no choice but to take part in, or be cancelled, having our energy source removed if we dare question it.
How we live with it, is to ignore the base energy lie, by adding more and more lies as necessary to keep it hidden, defending it, every sales pitch has unsaid information detailing it, we always leave that part out, even politically correct speaking is just more if this dishonest sales pitch, which we were probably traumatised to accept at some time in history, and since then it's been a systemic self perpetuating mass behaviour that we have to recognise is a super-inhuman, conscious, live emergent property. Right here we are facing something like the beast, Satan, moloch, or whatever evil entity we want to call it, its alive, and its out to get us if we dare try to stop it having its evil way, and the energy it feeds on, is the energy of dishonesty, which is also the energy of destruction, and this is what is manifesting physically as planetary temperature rise, to now, it's in the red line of flashpoint, we are literally at the point where e need to decide whether we want to carry on with it into hell on Earth, or whether we want to repent and start fixing the planet, which is still a very real option, though again the trolls, the disciples of the beast try to bring about a self fulfilling prophecy of doom.
Yup sounds crazy, but it's the honest truth.
The time has come when we have to decide whether we want to keep lying to ourselves, or not, the planet will wait no longer.
Does this make sense to you?