I can't go into all of the details here, it is an incredibly complex system, so folk will doubt what I am saying here, as always. However... There is a very simple but very radical change being forced upon money by nature. I know this as a systems Engineer studying the problem for quite a few years using all of the tools of formal systems Engineering.
Something vital to the value of money in markets is that it has to reflect actual product. In absence of anything else, debt seems to be a product which works, but it is obviously unsustainable, so it actually is a Ponzi of sorts, as stands, but worse, every promise to pay is a promise to extract, locking us into the deadly practice of extracting all energy from matter and energy stores of Earth, including even life itself ("Earth capital").
When we look at the original source of the energy that created all Earth capital, we see it is the sun, only the sun, and that energy is pushed to us for free.
So similarly to your analogy of first and secondhand needs, we might notice first and secondhand uses of energy.
Using it directly from the sun, no labor is needed, it is pushed to us for free, a feature unique to the sun.
But further, the Joules from it are something added to the Joules already on Earth.
As long as we didn't put many of those Joules to use ourselves, we could ignore that those Joules actually increase the base of what we consider as the base "economic capital". In conventional economics, this is a constant.
But now we are adding ever more Joules to that pile, scaling up to now tens of GW in every country, its value is becoming significant, growing ever larger.
So money based on an amount of fixed capital no longer correctly represents actual capital.
It is sliding at an ever increasing rate, away from representing actual capital, which is increasing all the time, due to the ever increasing rates of Joules per second from the sun being put to use in our evergy day lives.
This violates the ideals of Austrian Economics, something often quoted to justify why we can't just keep issuing free money to all people.
In the old world, before we were putting GW of solar product to use, it might have been true, but that absolutely isn't true now, and it is showing in markets.
Now, by the same argument, they have to start issuing free money to all people to have any chance of recovering the value of currencies.
As long as they don't do that, we will see inflation rising to remove the value of all things we previously thought were valuable.
This isn't a bout of inflation, this is the end of capital as we knew it.
Now we have to move to energyism, driven by nature.
The only question remaining is when?
This is the reason I write in Medium, because I know the sooner we realise this as population the better, not only for us lesser priveliged folks owning no assets, but for everyone also depending on assets. Capital assets are finished, the future is free energy and free money for all people.
It is up to banks and money issuers how long, and how much misery they wish to see, until the problem is put right, the only way it can be, by issue of free money.
The conclusion here sounds almost religious, but this doesn't make it any less true:
Nature is the grand authority, her currency is energy. The only issuer and enforcer of it is the sun. Either we use it, or we burn.