I can see you are almost a solarpunk Will, thanks for posting.
Complete solarpunks in my book don’t talk in terms of renewable energy though, only firsthand and secondhand energy.
That distinction is fundamental.
When we make it, it becomes much easier to analyse the economics, which are fundamental.
Firsthand is from the sun direct.
Secondhand is from energy stored on Earth, where the sun put it first of course.
Firsthand energy is continuous, whilst secondhand generally comes in packets.
A packet is represented as a fixed value, quantified in Joules, gallons, grams, bytes, etc.
So energy is money, is matter, is information.
Bitcoin is now powered mostly from distributed firsthand energy, as that turns out to be the one which has the best returns (profit).
Bitcoin now consumes several countries worth of energy.
But “consumes” isn’t really the right word, since energy can’t be destroyed, only converted.
Bitcoin converts firsthand energy to money, which is absorbed into the world economy.
Bitcoin is literally money-as-sunlight, which is being exchanged for ever greater quantities of money-as-debt.
There is the proof that money can, should, and will be free.
Free energy means free money, and we can see it is more valuable than money-as-debt.
Free energy put to work, reduces the industry of humanity that was necessary to extract all our energy from Earth.
So it all balances out.
Throughout just over ten years Bitcoin existence, due to its ever larger bite of work needed to produce each token, it has resulted in a steady ramp-up of the firsthand energy converted.
So each Bitcoin represents a packet of frozen energy which is the work done to create it, plus a further component of firsthand energy capacity.
The second term there is time dependent, whereas the first term is not.
Therefore in time, the second term tends to infinity, against which the first term becomes insignificant.
There, is the mathematical proof of the imminent end of capitalism.
So you are right to say there is unlimited money for the implementation of solar, as long as some of it is used to expand solar energy capacity.
Again it all balances out.
With infinite money, and the prospect of effectively infinite energy, there are infinite resources for the construction of superconducing transmission lines, and exotic, visually attractive (translucent), if low efficiency solar conversion materials and topologies, which can be configured in all manner of ornamental architectural features, to bestow all cities with solar power contribution.
It is natural to join all of this infrastructure up in a world grid, which would provide the entire network with massive resilience, and finally eliminate the need for batteries.
On timescales, recall again, Bitcoin took only ten years to get where it is now.
It is almost time to celebrate.