I can see why we need to cut down a little for now, I even got rid of my car about a year ago, knowing what is coming, but I see how solar-hydrogen technology really is going to open up new horizons.
I know there is some skepticism amongst conventional business about this, but to me it looks inevitable this is where we are going.
See solar is the only actual energy source.
It is the energy used by all of nature to create eveything we know, and the real force that even keeps the Earth turning, working in tandem with the Earth's biomass.
That is something not currently made clear by all of the talk about "Renewables".
Renewables for profit is actually just more bullshit fossil fueled business.
Ask yourself this question: if you had the solar power capability to power the manufacture of wind turbines, would you actually use it for that, or would you just expand solar capacity?
To me the obvious answer is just expand solar capacity.
Product made from purely solar is product added to the capital of Earth.
The same thing can't be said of product from any other source, because there is no other source, only sources of fuels and stores of Earth energy, which in the end are all forms of Earth capital.
Product from any extracted source is just bullshit business because it also has to generate unsustainable pollution, and all sources are extractive except solar, which is something gifted to us, from an extraterrestial source. It requires no extraction, and therefore no promise to extract (Debt!).
Product from solar can include hydrogen which functionally replaces fossil fuels, and even food, which replaces, well... food (Google "Solein"), and... hydrogen is the activator for that food!
By the principles of Austrian Economics, money should be issued on product produced.
Product produced by solar is product added to the existing capital of Earth, with no pollution.
So what we will see when that is monetised, is constant expansion of the economic capital base, which means the end of all privelige by ownership of capital... it just won't be worth anything anymore, the only way for anyone to "Get ahead", will be by actual merit.
Some pretty fundamental changes need to happen to our economies to accommodate that, changes that we can't get around, including the issue of free money.
If we are still struggling to see how that can be, think how a tree works.
The energy needed to push the shoot of a tree up to the point it sprouts leaves is taken from Earth capital.
After that, the flow of energy through the tree changes direction, from leaves to root, conducting the energy from sun to Earth by way of nutrients.
Now consider humanity as a species.
To date it has consumed only energy of Earth. like the shoot of the tree before it sprouted leaves.
But now we are sprouting our manufactured version of leaves in the form of solar farms all over Earth.
It is only a matter of time now until those reverse the direction of our energy handling.
Soon we will be conducting the energy of the sun to Earth, like we were always meant to do, and all of the limits we currently perceive to growth will be removed.
A tree grows to dwarf what it was as a shoot, and rightly so, would we want it any other way?
Why do we think humanity should be different?
Btw, did you know it is possible in theory to convert any EV to dual fuel hydrogen/electric by swapping out the battery for a reversible hydrogen fuel cell?