I came across your story, probably assisted by the Ai algos on Medium, because you chose to use the same image for your header as I'd used for an earlier story on a seemingly different subject, if we don't understand systems thinking.
The image can be viewed as a crystal ball, that we might associate with predicting future, or as a lens, through which we are looking at the rays of the sun.
(My story was named "Understanding Energy").
It might occur to the Systems thinker that these two things are one and the same, seen from different viewpoints, it seems to me.
As a long practicing INCOSE model based Systems Engineer myself, working voluntarily on the energy problem I've seen coming for now almost six years, I agree completely with all of your reasoning and conclusions, on the power of being able to see the whole picture.
I agree also that getting it right requires constant self analysis, ie meta analysis, including what drives and incentivises us ourselves as necessarily involved stakeholders, that this is where errors most often start, and we have to be constantly aware of the high probability of missing them.
Further, in my view at least, and it makes me happy to say, we each independently seem to have reached a similar conclusion, that we are observing an overall hyperobject, the root cause of which to me is most closely described in your point number 10.
By my analysis, especially the stakeholder analysis, the effects of this on everything we can possibly imagine and much more, are unpredictable in terms of time and scale, only that a massive exponential change is happening, driven by nature, which has to result in a sudden discontinuity, and every attempt to estimate how or when exactly the tipping point will occur is very difficult.
Inflation looks to me to be something now driven by nature, demanding only one response, the issue of money reflecting sunlight, (I refer to it as "Kardashev Money") nothing else can or will fix it, as far as I can see. After that, everything changes, all the old rules are turned upside down, money becomes for free, because energy being put to use is fundamentally for free, donated to us.
I would be interested to know your opinion of this very short article: