I believe we will see some breaking news very soon which changes everything. I think maybe you miss how deeply connected the profit-debt based economy is, with taking energy from the ground.
That, when we look closely at it, explains much more logically why we seem locked into fossil fuels extraction. We are, by the need for profit.
The antidote, though even many bitcoiners themselves still don't seem to be able to see it, blinded by the profit visor, is proof-of-work tokens.
The algorithm of that prefers the energy of sunlight, over the energy of Earth, because it is free.
I think this will have to be admitted very soon by Banks, now that it is becoming clear, together with the technology of money-as-sunlight which can be poured on any problem to fix it, there is also now the technology of reversible hydrogen production, which simultaneously removes the need for batteries in solar energy infrastructure, replacing it with hydrogen generation, balanced by whatever electrical load might be on an installation, it delivers clean fuel with no pollution, which burns with no pollution, replacing fossil fuels in function, and is thus fuel-as-sunlight, physically interchangeable with Pow token generation, as well as in markets.
That absolutely changes everything, at last we can see a direct path to reolacing the old ecomomy with a new one.
It also means destroying pipelines would be a mistake, since those same pipelines can be used to transport hydrogen, rather than fossil fuels.
In any case, the pipeline is not the source, so destroying any of those under any circumstance can only be symbolic, at best.