I believe politicisation is the bigger issue.
There is massive distrust of big pharma, and in turn, the profit driven science lobby, because we know they have sullied their records in many ways in the past.
There are many ways that people have been used to perpetuate various illnesses in the past.
The business case of all of these things is: more people ill, is more money made, and management of illness is far more profitable than cure.
China tried to cure it, to kill the virus. To succeed, they needed our cooperation. We didn’t cooperate, choosing instead to try to manage, and make some money from it, and here we are.
That is the main difference between the way China and a few others handled it, and the way the rest of the world handled it.
Big pharma, and big business in general, is known to have created that business of illness, many times.
Why would the current frenzy be any different?
This is something not talked about much on any profit driven media, including the current, because all are stakeholders in profit, including even the algorithms that grade conversations, on whether to forward to mass feeds or not.
I suspect our dialog here will receive very little human attention, other than yours, if even yours.
We see various mechanisms at work, trying to suppress all anti-profit chat, which just makes the suspicion worse.
We are literally not alllowed to dissent.
What an amazing result for big pharma, and big business.
It seems a little like this is the final showdown between big business, and people.
Every individual now with invedtments of any kind in big business, even just their labour, has to ask themselves, which do they treasure more, their profits and personal profitability, or their lives?
Why worry about side effects, or anything else if a medication becomes 100 percent compulsarily given no-one will ever know what difference it makes, to be vaccinated or not, and what a beautiful vehicle, for big business to abuse, to cause just the right amount of illness and survivability to keep profits at maximum.
Do we trust big business not to take advantage of that, sooner or later? Do we trust it not to be doing so already?
Every time we are asked, or ordered to take it, we also hear the words in our minds "I will make profit from you, I don’t really care if you live or die, unless your existence hurts my profits, in which case, I hope you die".
We seem to be pretty much at its mercy.
Again, why would the business of managing the current wave of illness be any different from the fiascos seen in the past?
We’ve had Obesity, Diabetes, Depression, Lung Cancer, famine, malnutrition, and many other things
Now we have c0vid, and a burning planet.