I believe nature is forcing our hand now, in what happens next with money.
There are now GW of solar power being used in every country.
Solar is the only kind of energy which actually adds Joules to those already existing on Earth.
Further, it is the only kind of energy pushed to us, no extraction needed. It literally isn't compatible with the economy of all promises to pay being promises to extract, and that is a very good thing, it seems to me.
The only way that product can be honestly valued, is by issue of money which is freely donated to all people.
This will bring money into line with the Joules of energy we add to Earth by our human activity powered by the energy of the sun. There is no other way that can be done, because the energy of the sun is donated to us for free.
We might recall the dollar value going up when $10K per head per month was being issued in US. IT was at the same time as the oil prices went negative, the only time, and commodity in history we've seen it happen with, so far.
Since then, the money issue has stopped, and the dollar, and the value of all currencies is again sliding in value, whilst the scale of solar energy implemented in all countries continues upwards, as it has to, to defeat the environmental problem.
So here we might realise that as long as free money is not issued on solar product, the value of money will continue to slip, exponentially, because in the end, it is the product which is of value, not the money.
Money just has to be issued in tandem with production, in ordet to be able to buy the product. This is a tenet of Austrian Economics, the same Austrian Economics as many economists use to justify not issuing free money. This is like money having a live solar energy standard in terms of Joules per token, rather than the old capital standard of Oz gold per token.
The truth is the product is there, has been for quite a few years, and is currently on an upwards trending adoption curve.
It seems nature is forcing our hand here, free money has to return, this time forever.
There is much more to this picture, it includes comparing and aligning our energy use with that of nature, and seeing how we will not only reverse most of the damage done by pollution to date, but how we will automatically get the same negative carbon footprint as nature, regardless of how much we grow, like a tree.
The tree began its life on the capital energy of Earth, absorbing no energy of the sun,
After it forms leaves it grows to dwarf its former presence as a shoot, powered by the energy of the sun, contributing ever more Joules of energy to Earth.
We are starting to form our human equivalents of leaves in the form of solar collection facilities, all over Earth.
Why would we not want to expand that?
We are moving from thousands of years of take-take-take driving everything, to an endlessly sustainable give-give-give driving everything, and that is pretty cool, it seems to me.
Another way of saying it might be that we are moving from capitalism, to energyism.