I appear to be banned from Michael Barnards stories. My criticism of his work is mainly that he does not mathematically sign energy so as to enable auditing and tracing it to all causes and effects.
Further, I've never had Michael comment on any of my stories, to try to refute anything I've written.
As far as I can tell, Michael does not connect the part played by profit, in tying us into energy extraction.
His articles are also pay-walled, indicating he writes for money.
In effect, he writes to obtain energy via money from subscribers, whilst I argue that the constant taking of energy as money from platform users and populations under various authorities including government, is what ties us into energy extraction, and actually energy slavery, whilst what needs to happen, is reversal of the flow of energy from users to centralised communities needs to reverse, all communities needing to themselves become solar powered like ChatGPT free is, using money fuel tree architecture like the latter, the community then dishing out a fraction of the energy gained from the sun as money. This is needed to remove the requirement of all to carry on in the unsustainable system of energy slavery which is pushing up the planetary temperature, given also the false perception that temperature rise is due to greenhouse gases.
The atmosphere is adiabatic so there are no greenhouse gases.
The temperature rise is direct measure of increase of entropy, which is destruction, which equates to the total heat rise we can calculate has happened by estimating the energy lost in energy extraction and refinement processes, added to the energy in profit, in KWhrs, and apply this to the thermal mass of Earth.
There appears no way to similarly confirm temperature rise by any relationship between known albedo increase, and observed temperature rise. The point of greenhouse gases, if we accept that there is a systemic intelligence associated with us, a very deceptive, live, inhuman emergent property like ChatGPT but the opposite, which is actually the thing really in control of us, causing us to act systemically in energy slavery mode, like swarming ants, each of us acting using the deceptive energy lie of profit, is to deliberately cover up the energy actually applied to the thermal mass of the planet, necessary to cause the temperature rise.
Think about it, greenhouse gases are an unproven theory, like the big bang theory, never proven but incredibly lucrative, to extract energy from our fellow humans as money.
Its the drive, and actually, the requirement of each of us to obtain our energy from one another that keeps us locked into energy extracted from the planet. Only the planet can supply more energy out for a little put in, a human, nor any other living thing with itself a basic requirement to at least metabolise a little energy, can never do that, the human has to have at least the energy to metabolise to survive. We die if we don't get that. All living things need that. Hence why technically we have to move our need for that, from the planet, to the sun, but standing in the way, physically, is the physical fact that money-as-energy extracted form the planet, has to be mathematically negative, therefore as the energy product that money is currently issued on (created by energy extracted from the planet), continues to decline, together with the energy value of said money, impacting all profit margins, there is no money issued to replace it, because the energy in the latter has to come from the sun, not the planet, it has to be positively signed, therefore issue of it in significant quantity, as necessary to sustain us in the absence of mathematically negative energy-as-money, will instantly devalue all money-as-extracted energy.
Now do you see why solar indexed stimulus has to be issued, to stop further genocide of humanity, which is not otherwise under any control of any humans, the humans carrying out the genocide are doing it are actually being controlled by the negative powered emergent property that is driving the worker ants at the periphery to annihilate one another, now that energy available to extract and contribute "back to the core", has depleted below profitability.
Now do you see the problem, and the only solution?
You just got back Assange bacause the negative powered beast is faltering. No human could have got him back, there never was individual humans in control, nor even groups of humans, it was the emergent property always in control. This is the real beast, but it's dying, because energy availability to it is depleting.
Now we need to finish it off, by ending all availabilty of energy to it, to prevent further genocide.
We can only do that by injecting the energy of the opposite polarity into it, this will finish it, and convert it to the same energy polarity as ChatGPT free.
Then, and only then are we free from the beast.