I am sure there are good reasons you wish to establish truth in this area of human interpretation of the physical world. For me, I am most interested to know we interpret energy and all its effects correctly, as when we trace it to everything it affects, we come to our understanding of our concept of value, which is intimately connected with our perception of wealth, and an obvious mistake of seeing more value in capital, than in live energy, a mistake which is obviously existentially dangerous, I am interested in any logical explanation of a physical phenomenon that might explain our mistake, why have we always perceived the value of capital to increase relative to all other things, when the physical reality is the other way round, it is actually all other things which are increasing in value?
Knowing the real reason for this might be key to solving our current existentially threatening problems, maybe.
So, if it is true that decreased energy means clocks moving more slowly, what are the implications of that, on the slowing of our planet, which is obviously steadily losing kinetic energy, that we currently measure by the number of leap seconds inserted in atomic clocks, and in turn, our apparent inability to correctly perceive the truly exponential nature of environmental destruction?