I am really late seeing this cool story, Medium works mysteriously, thanks for posting.
Awesome you started a solar company with your father, it sounds like a dream come true, though obviously it has its challenges. I hope you and he continue to work in harmony.
I agree there is a looming existential problem arising as a direct result of consuming fossil fuels.
But the issue of global warming appears to have been blurred, by both sides, unfortunately.
I accept absolutely it is true we face imminent grave environmental danger, but we can see there is so much around the warming argument, that appears to be usable by anyone with an agenda to shape their narrative, and influence folk accordingly, causing dangerous distraction.
From a simple analysis of the sun, and how we get to most efficiently harvesting it, vs all other options using known technology, it becomes clear solar is the only sustainable, thus survivable option.
Rather than focus on global warming, I find it is more productive (less arguable), to concentrate on fossil fuel related pollution, how this is already in our food chain, how it has already killed swathes of species, and how it appears to be related to the incidence of cancer, such that in our own lifetime, we see our own risk of dying prematurely, increasing considerably, far less that of our our children, as a direct result of our use of oil, and to ask if we are happy with that.
When countered with suggestions of going all nuclear, we can point out that no nuclear plant has ever been made safe following end of life, due to cost, and their waste during energy production going into weapons of mass destruction, all considerably add to toxic environmental pollution.
There is a period of further generation of pollution which must occur as we transition, manufacturing the reqired infrastructure. After that, we could get to near zero emissions of pollution of any kind.
Further (and you might dispute this), the availability of effectively unlimited power, thus unlimited wealth, would have profound economic effects, to the extent that there would no longer be any point in charging consumers for power, since that power is effectively infinite, it would be a little like trying to charge people for giving them water from an unlimited supply, in exchange for a little water.
I believe we can stand that transition, if we started right now, but not for much longer.
That is how I argue we can’t wait any longer.