I am not surprised by this, thanks for posting confirmation.
I know it sounds crazy, but again, the systems analysis shows it is fully expected.
I've explained how we can break our own planet out of orbit from the sun very simply by things like geo-engineering, which would follow fusion, to ensure that the fusion owners would be all powerful, no-one would be able to use the alternative free energy of the sun, it would be deliberately sabotaged to make it useless, and the increased reflectivity of our planet resulting from Geo-engineering would have a cumulative effect, breaking us out of orbit around the sun in only a few years. As someone previouly involved in orbital modelling, I've done the analysis of all of these scenarios.
After a short time fusion powered, with no local sun, we would soon find ways to use fusion as a means of propelling our planet itself, like a spaceship, but not a spaceship, a planet.
This is why fundamentally I am not pro-fusion, at least not until after we have assured our energy supply from the sun. Fusion might be useful after that to power spaceships, but it should never become the sole power source of a planet. Not if we have any respect for life at all.
Having done that analysis, I've said this before; if we do ever receive visitors from outer space (again?), there is one simple way to determine if they are good or bad.
If they arrive by spaceship, then good, we can welcome them with open arms (They are non-profit, non colonial, they could not have escaped their planet by profit and colonialism, just as we can't)
But if they arrive by planet, then bad. Very, very bad. Those have to be the original inventors, even the seed of colonialism, wiping out all forms of life except their own kind, and even then only those willing to sacrifice all to their power, implanting it in us, no less.
We'd better be well tooled up to deal decisively with that latter kind, I would say. Either we finish off their dying planet, or they will destroy ours.
The one advantage we have, still, which they would not understand, it is the power of the sun. Their minds simply can't comprehend it. If we create a planet destroying weapon from that, then that would assure our safety; this would be the one power they do not know how to use, nor to defend against.
That is my opinion, crazy as it seems.
Here is a thought for you: We know in science nothing can be observed without causing a change in the thing observed.
If we observe remote intelligent life, for sure they are likely to know they've been observed, and they will want to know more about who is observing them, if they didn't know already.
So the Webb telescope is a double edged sword, it cuts both ways. What we might have expected would be high value results, could be even higher for those observed, if they are concerned at all about who gains what from the other, like we obviously are.