Great to see you back!
I am not sure if I told you this made me cry when I first watched and listened, and still does, its like a celebration of human nature:
I've since searched out some more of their stuff and found that to my extreme surprise they are a full-on punk band, a little like the Ramones, obviously Ramones inspired (A band I went to see more than once as a punk myself, a scary number of years ago).
I am finding this band now reviving feelings I had way back then, but this is richer, more connected to Afro rythms and spirituality, much more adrenalin, its even better than the original punk, nobody involved in the original punk movement had this musical skill / talent, not even the Ramones. This is punk combined with Orishas culture, its spiritual dynamite, imho.
Have you checked out Orishas culture?